
Package Workflow Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari on macOS Workflow Current Release

Light theme Dark theme



Installing from the GitHub Package Registry (currently) requires a personal access token (PAT) with the read:packages scope.

Be sure to authenticate with the registry via npm login, or by adding this line to a .npmrc file in your $HOME directory:


Quick start

GitHub package only

Add this line to a .npmrc file at the root of your project:


Install jsdoc:

npm i --no-save jsdoc

Install the template assets:

as a GitHub package:

npm i --save-dev @clean-jsdoc/clean-jsdoc-es5

. . . or, directly from the source tree:

npm i --save-dev clean-jsdoc/clean-jsdoc-es5

Now run:

npx jsdoc path/to/source/files -t node_modules/@clean-jsdoc/clean-jsdoc-es5 -r

Workflow Integration

Configure jsdoc to use the template in your .jsdoc.json file:

If you installed the GitHub package:

  "opts": {
    "template": "node_modules/@clean-jsdoc/clean-jsdoc-es5"

For example:

    "plugins": ["plugins/markdown"],
    "markdown": {
        "idInHeadings": true
    "source": {
        "include": ["lib", ""],
        "includePattern": ".+\\.js(doc|x)?$",
        "excludePattern": "(node_modules/|docs)"
    "sourceType": "module",
    "tags": {
        "allowUnknownTags": true,
        "dictionaries": ["jsdoc", "closure"]
    "opts": {
        "template": "node_modules/@clean-jsdoc/clean-jsdoc-es5",
        /* see below */
        "theme_opts": {},
        "encoding": "utf8",
        "readme": "./",
        "destination": "docs/",
        "recurse": true

Add a script to your package.json:

  "script": {
    /* ... */
    "gendocs": "node_modules/.bin/jsdoc -c .jsdoc.json --verbose"

Build your documentation with: npm run gendocs


All options must be defined under opts.theme_opts in your .jsdoc.json


name purpose type default options
theme the overall style theme string "light" "light", "dark", "dynamic" [1]
search enable fuzzy search using Fuse.js bool true true, false
menuLocation sets the location of the optional external links menu relative to the doc navigation menu [2] string "up" "up", "down"
langNames display language names in code blocks bool true true, false
moduleNames show the module's name in the page's top heading bool false true, false
sort sort members/methods/events by name bool true true, false
title the name of the home link to display on the nav bar HTML string "README" any valid HTML markup, or just a plain string
footer a footer to display in the page layout HTML string JSDoc version, date and theme info any valid HTML markup
inline_style inline CSS for the <head> of the page layout CSS string null any valid CSS markup

[1] sets the theme according to the value of the prefers-color-scheme @media query; it falls back to "light"

[2] "up" == above navigation menu, "down" == below. Requires the menu option to be set


"project": {}

Details of your project, e.g.

  "project": {
      "title": "clean-jsdoc",
      "version": "4.5.0",
      "repo": ""
Required properties
name type
repo URL
Optional properties
name purpose type default
title the title of the project; it will appear in every page's title tag string null
version the semantic version number string "1.0.0"

"sections": [...]

Documentation headings to include in the navigation menu, e.g.

  "sections": [
Required properties

At least one of the following section labels (case insensitive):


Unlisted labels will be ignored with a warning message. Leave this option undefined to include all sections detected by jsdoc.

"menu": [{}, ...]

A list of hyperlinks to add to the navigation bar, e.g.

  "menu": [
      "title": "Website",
      "link": "",
      "target": "_blank",
      "class": "some-class",
      "id": "some-id"
Required properties
name type
title string
link URL
Optional properties
name type
target HTML target attribute
class CSS class selector
id CSS id selector

"meta": [{}, ...]

A list of meta tag attributes to add to the head of each page, e.g.

  "meta": [
        "name": "author",
        "content": "Ankit Kumar"
        "name": "description",
        "content": "Best Clean and minimal JSDoc 3 Template/Theme"
Required properties

Any valid combinaton of HTML metadata attributes.

"asset_paths": ["path/to/assets", ...]

A list of local folders to search for static content files. Paths are relative to the current working directory, e.g.

  "asset_paths": [
Required properties

None. If a path does not exist, or exists outside the working directory, it will be ignored with a warning message.

"remote_assets": [{}, ...]

A list of link tag attributes for asset resources, e.g.

  "remote_assets": [
      "href": "",
      "integrity": "sha384-giJF6kkoqNQ00vy+HMDP7azOuL0xtbfIcaT9wjKHr8RbDVddVHyTfAAsrekwKmP1",
      "crossorigin": "anonymous"
      "href": "img/favicon.ico",
      "rel": "shortcut icon",
      "type": "image/x-icon"
Required properties
name type
href URL
Optional properties
name purpose type
integrity A Subresource Integrity hash in base64 encoding string
crossorigin The CORS policy for the resource string

Some assets will need additional link attributes to load properly.

As of version 2.0.0, this template can detect stylesheets and shortcut icons from the file extension in the href. Support for more media types may be added in future releases.

"remote_scripts": [{}, ...]

A list of script tag attributes for third-party JavaScript sources. e.g.

  "remote_scripts": [
      "src": "",
      "integrity": "sha256-QWo7LDvxbWT2tbbQ97B53yJnYU3WhH/C8ycbRAkjPDc=",
      "crossorigin": "anonymous"
Required properties
name type
src URL
Optional properties

Mostly the same as remote_assets

"overlay_scrollbar": { "options": {} }

Includes the OverlayScrollbars plugin.

Required properties

None. Simply passing an empty object will activate this feature.

Optional properties

Any option supported by OverlayScrollbars.

"codepen": { "options": {} }

Puts an "Edit on CodePen" button next to code snippets in @example sections.

"codepen": {
  "options": {
    "js_external": "",
    "js_pre_processor": "babel"
Required properties

None. Simply passing an empty object will activate this feature.

Optional properties

Any valid CodePen prefill option.


To preview a small demo website, first run:

git clone
cd clean-jsdoc-es5
npm i && npm i jsdoc --no-save

On Windows, run:

npm run test:win


npm test

If xdg-open is available on your system, you can build and preview the site in one step with:

npm run browse


Copyright (c) 2019 Ankit Kumar
Copyright (c) 2020 Robert Di Pardo

Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.